Resources & Services

The Latinx Community Resource Center strives to provide students with the resources and training needed to become a successful student at 最可靠的买彩票平台. 这里有一个学生组织的列表,我们发现可能对本科生有用, graduates, staff, and faculty.

STUDENT ORganizations

One of the ways the Chicana/o Resource Center provides students networking and leadership opportunities is by connecting students with the many organizations affiliated with the resource center. 以下是学生组织的列表, as well as sororities and fraternities dedicated to the Latinx student experience at CSUF.

Ballet Folklorico de CSUF


中央财经大学民间芭蕾舞团成立于2007年春. Led under the driven passion of two CSUF students: Christopher Sandoval and Michaela Kimball, the vision was to form an organization of CSUF students willing to learn and share their knowledge of Ballet Folklorico in a campus setting.

自2007年以来,该组织已发展到50多名专职成员! 每个成员都有不同程度的经验和背景.  加州州立大学民间芭蕾舞团, 富勒顿是一个舞蹈剧团和大学组织的社会和文化混合体. While getting the opportunity to learn traditional and interpretive dances of Mexican folklore at a very low cost, 也有志愿者的机会, fundraisers, social events, and many amazing people to meet. 民间芭蕾也是一个获得社交机会的好方法, 并通过锻炼来保持体形. 





中美洲人赋权(C.A.F.E.)是在其创始成员在中美洲社会意识到这一点后成立的, 由墨西哥裔资源中心举办, that there needed to be a safe and inclusive space for the communities voices and opinions to be heard.

With that, C.A.F.E. sets out to make this a reality and conducted a meeting as to figure out what our purpose would be on campus, 以及我们如何更好地支持校园里的其他学生.



The purpose of Diversity Resilience Education Access movement Co-Operation (DREAM Co-Op) is to bring awareness to the larger community and first generation college students about AB540, California Dream Act, 童年抵美者暂缓遣返, 以及任何与移民法有关的变化. DREAM Co-Op促进AB540的财政援助资源信息, undocumented, immigrations, and first-generation students, such as available scholarships, job opportunities, and internships. They also provide self-empowerment to its members through moral support, mentorship, and unity. 

DREAM Co-Op fundraises to provide oppotunities for the advancement of its members and advocates on issues relating to the members within the community.



Hermanas Unidas


Hermanas Unidas (HaU) was recognized in December 2003 as a Latina-based non-profit organization that strives for “Poder de la Mujer”; both as individual women and as an state-wide organization. The motto symbolizes the strength and will of each and every Hermana in their quest for higher education, 赋予她们的家庭和社区权力, as well as equality in education, 工作场所和社会的其他部分. 

HaU通过三个支柱为我们的成员提供这样的机会, which include community service, academics and social networking. 

Weekly Meetings:
Wednesdays at 7pm in the TSU



 Hermanos Unidos de CSUF


Hermanos Unidos (HU) is a non-profit organization that focuses on increasing the retention, 拉丁裔男性的大学毕业率. 通过学术卓越支柱,HU  帮助彼此提供一个特殊的学术支持环境.

HU通过三个支柱的一致性为其成员提供机会. Through the  community service pillar, HU c reates a strong unified system of community service that will make the community a better place. Through the s ocial networking pillar, HU  提供了与同龄人进行社会互动和建立网络的机会. HU为拉丁美洲人回馈社区创造了一条途径, 同时也为进入专业领域做准备. 





The 拉丁裔商业学生协会 (LBSA) is a student led organization at Mihaylo College of Business and Economics of CSUF where we work to create future business leaders, 通过专业和社交网络.

Whether you’re a student looking to get involved or a business professional looking for student leaders, you need an organization that helps you connect to the community so you can establish rapport at the grassroots level. LBSA's goal is to develop diverse leaders who conscientiously care about the community and the triple bottom line.

Weekly Meetings:





MAES was founded in Los Angeles in 1974 to increase the number of Mexican Americans and other Hispanics in the technical and scientific fields. The idea to establish a professional society for Mexican American engineers originated with Robert Von Hatten, 他是位于雷东多海滩的TRW国防空间系统公司的航空电子工程师, California. Mr. Von Hatten had for several years served as volunteer for programs directed at combating the alarming number of high school dropouts.  他设想建立一个全国性的组织,作为榜样的来源, 满足其成员的需要, 并成为行业和学生的资源.





拉丁裔学生心理协会(LSPA)的存在是为了提倡, educate, and empower the Latinx community to realize their full potential in the field of psychology. The objective of LSPA is to guide members to become qualified candidates for graduate school through the implementation of the five pillars: Academics, Leadership, Research Experience, Practical Experience, and Community involvement.

LSPA的目标包括向未被充分代表的拉丁裔社区伸出援手, academics, community service, networking, and socializing.

Weekly Meetings:
Tuesdays at 1pm





中国学生运动Aztlán (M.E.Ch.A.) is a student organization that promotes culture, history, and encourages students to p ursue higher education.

M.E.Ch.A. was founded on the principles of self determination for the liberation of our members and respective communities. 我们认为政治参与和教育 这是我们社会变革的途径吗. M.E.Ch.A. continues to be an organization that seeks to open the doors of higher education for our communities and hold positions in power accountable for their roles within our communities and strive to reject imperialism, racism, sexism, and homophobia.


Latino pan-hellenic council

Lambda Theta Alpha拉丁姐妹会.


Lambda Theta Alpha是一个学术组织,其主要重点是姐妹情谊, Empowering Women, Philanthropy, Community Service, Social Events, and Academics. Established back in 1975 on the East Coast, Lambda Theta Alpha came to CSUF in Spring 2002. Lambda Theta Alpha is the first and largest Latina Sorority in the nation, however they emphasize, "我们是传统的拉丁人,而不是定义上的拉丁人," therefore anyone can join.


Lambda Theta Phi拉丁兄弟会.


Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity Inc .的宗旨. 是提倡和实践团结, 所有文化和信仰之间的尊重, to promote brotherhood, 保持较高的学习水平, to develop character, 在维护尊严和自我认同的同时,发扬骑士精神. 作为积极的榜样,坚持积极的领导. Lambda Theta Phi致力于为学生和专业人士提供支持, while promoting Latino unity.




多元文化导向的博爱. Founded in May 5, 1992 at SJSU, Sigma Delta Alpha于2006年进入最可靠的买彩票平台, with 12 chapters in the West. 我们努力实现学术卓越, 同时回馈社会,创造兄弟情谊. Excellence and Loyalty amongst brothers; SDA seeks to help members succeed in school and achieve academic excellence, 同时传授宝贵的生活技能, 并建立起终身的兄弟情谊.

西格玛德尔塔阿尔法接受所有文化背景的人, 热情地欢迎新的文化. Sigma Delta Alpha is a non-profit organization that works with a wide range of causes like St. Jude, CHOC, Avid program, Maywood Education Fair, 并提高人们对其他事业的认识,比如男性健康意识.

Weekly Meetings:


西格玛Lambda Beta国际兄弟会有限公司.


During the fall of 1985, Baltazar Mendoza-Madrigal began to explore the idea of establishing a Latino-based fraternity at the University of Iowa. Having seen the impact organizations like Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity had on their constituency, 门多萨-马德里加尔知道可以为拉丁裔的利益做些类似的事情. 当时他并不知道自己在30年后会产生怎样的影响, Baltazar开始研究这种可能性.

After 30 years, our Fraternity has grown to over 100 collegiate entities spanning across 29 states from Coast to Coast. Moreover, Sigma Lambda Beta membership has expanded beyond our Hispanic-Latino origins making us one of the most culturally diverse Greek lettered organizations. 在爱荷华州的玉米地里,有人详细地写了这个兄弟会的历史.

Weekly Meetings:
Mondays at 7pm
